Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Amanda Diede is a master's level Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with 8+ years experience working with eating disorders. She is truly passionate about this work and believes recovery from an eating disorder is possible for everyone.
Amanda specializes in eating disorders, disordered eating, female athlete triad, chronic dieting, intuitive eating, mindful eating, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and mood & anxiety disorders.
Amanda has worked with adolescents and adults with numerous eating disorder and mood & anxiety disorder diagnoses, including: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, ARFID, OSFED, anxiety, depression, bipolar, PTSD, and many more. She has worked with clients at the residential, partial hospitalization (PHP), intensive outpatient (IOP) and outpatient level of care.
When not at work, Amanda loves hiking with her husband and three kids, traveling, and yet also being a home body.
Credentials & Education:​
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Licensed in: Washington, Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC​
Member of The International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals
Master’s in Public Health - Nutritional Sciences, University of Washington
Graduate Coordinated Program in Dietetics, University of Washington
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Economics, University of Virginia
Amanda uses a anti-diet, weight-neutral, trauma-informed, Health at Every Size® based nutrition approach. She combines evidence based research, empathy, and experience to best serve her clients. Amanda is passionate about helping individuals make peace with food and body.
What does this all mean? Amanda believes we are all born intuitive eaters and have the ability to get back to that place. Learning to tune into and honor our body’s cues in order to nourish ourselves, rather than listening to diet culture’s unrealistic expectations of what we ‘should’ be eating or look like. She believes everyone is deserving of the freedom that comes from not thinking about food/body image all day which allows individuals to focus their energy on the values of their life that bring them true joy.
Explore the rest of the site to learn more about what services we have to offer, and get in touch with any questions.